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OCD Blocks scrabble letters for Treatment for OCD and therapy for OCD in Madison, WI. Obsessive compulsive disorder can be helped with Golden Vibes Counseling or in Online therapy in Wisconsin.

Treatment for OCD

It's more than just wanting things a particular way. OCD is not a thing to adopt as an excuse for wanting something done well or clearly. You may have heard people (or even said yourself) "I'm just OCD about that", or "it's because of my OCD". But, that doesn't actually speak to the problem we want to help people with in OCD treatment.

What is OCD?

Many people view obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) as a “quirky” disorder involving liking

things to be organized in a certain way or washing one’s hands too often, but OCD can take on

a number of forms. These include fears about harming oneself or others, feeling things are not

“just right,” or feeling overly concerned about having done something immoral or in violation of

one’s religious beliefs (scrupulosity), among numerous other subtypes.

OCD is primarily characterized by:

  • Intrusive thoughts or images (obsessions)

  • Thoughts that are repetitive, difficult to control, and cause distress or anxiety

  • Repetitive behaviors (compulsions) designed to decrease the anxiety that comes from obsessions

OCD manifests in a variety of forms

There is no one-size-fits-all obsessive-compulsive disorder pattern. 

Common obsessions include:

  • Fears about contamination

  • Fears about harm

  • Scrupulosity

  • Concerns about one’s relationship

  • Getting stuck on things not being symmetrical or feeling “just right”


Common compulsions include:

  • Mental checking

  • Reassurance-seeking

  • Physical checking

  • Counting


For example, someone whose OCD centers around the fear of harming others may get stuck on the

obsession that they ran someone over while driving their car. This thought results in intense

anxiety and the thought is difficult to shake. This person’s compulsion may manifest in them

driving back to the spot where they thought they hit someone to check if they did actually hit

someone. For some, checking once may be enough, however, for people with OCD, they may

drive back repeatedly to check. Once they feel reassured, their anxiety will drop temporally.

However, this checking then strengthens the obsession and the need to engage in compulsions.

While we all experience intrusive thoughts at different points in our lives, individuals with OCD

become “stuck,” and end up in a loop that feeds into their OCD symptoms.














There is a treatment for OCD

Treatment for OCD can be difficult, but is effective! While there are many treatments, the gold

standard is called exposure and response prevention (E/RP). This involved a number of

components designed to break the relationships described in the OCD cycle diagram above.


Components of therapy for OCD include:

  • Creating a list of anxiety-provoking obsessions

  • Rating them from 1-100 according to the distress they cause

  • Identifying compulsions

  • Committing to refraining from compulsions as much as possible

  • Engaging in exposure exercises in session and outside of session in which one is

  • intentionally exposed to the anxiety-provoking situation


Exposure exercises can be:

o Imaginal: An example for the person afraid they hit someone with their car could be picturing a scenario in which this actually happens

o In vivo: For someone whose fears are about contamination, they may expose themselves by not washing their hands after coming into contact with something that results in anxiety


How does OCD treatment work?

While treatment for OCD may seem counterintuitive and
uncomfortable, it works in two ways:

  1. By repeatedly exposing oneself to situations that make them anxious, while not engaging in compulsions,
    one eventually gets used to the situation without having such a heightened stress response.

  2.  Exposing oneself without engaging in compulsions, and then finding out that what we were afraid of does not actually happen, helps our brains understand that we do not need to do the compulsion to keep what we were afraid of from happening.

Diagram of the OCD Cycle: Obsessions, fears intrusive thoughts. Then Anxiety: feeling the need to react. Then Compulsions: actions or mental rituals to reduce the anxiety. Then relief: temporary, reinforces compulsion. Break the cycle with treatment for ocd and therapy for ocd in online therapy in Wisconsin. Golden vibes counseling can help you heal and move forward after OCD treatment.
Man with OCD holding the front of his head while the back of his head shatters into a million pieces and floats away. He needs treatment for OCD and therapy for OCD in Madison, WI. Obsessive compulsive disorder can be helped with Golden Vibes Counseling or in Online therapy in Wisconsin.

Begin Treatment for OCD in Madison, WI

When you are ready to start OCD treatment, we are here for you. We know that getting started with a new therapist can itself be a source of stress and worry, so we make it simple! Our Madison, WI-based therapists can even help you anywhere in the state with online therapy in Wisconsin. To get started, just follow these three steps:

  1. Call our office at 608-571-0558 or e-mail us to make an appointment

  2. Talk with our Client Care Coordinator to find the best OCD treatment specialist for you

  3. Start your journey to a more joyful life today

More Mental Health Services at Golden Vibes Counseling Center

At our Madison, WI therapy clinic, we want you to feel comfortable. We know you are a multi-faceted person with a wide range of needs and concerns. That's why we have a lot of different ways to serve you. From therapy in our chic, contemporary counseling space to expert online counseling in Wisconsin, we are ready to meet you where you are. Our professional therapists can help you using a variety of approaches including CBT, EMDR, and Brainspotting. These methods can help with sexual assault recovery, depression treatmentanxiety therapy, reproductive or maternal mental health, multicultural counseling, and more. We also specialize in LGBTQAI+ counseling and poly-affirming therapies and can assist with gender-affirming care. We truly look forward to meeting you and getting to know you as an individual.

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